The vacuum
It's not easy to continue to write posts and get minimal feedback from readers. I know you're out there--my stats prove it--but the feedback is so minimal. And I'm no different than the rest of you; I also care what others think about what I have to say--even if you don't agree. If you've tried to respond but Blogger isn't letting you, than please let me know at info (at)
Recirculating misinformation
Writing about nutrition fallacies falls flat. When misinformation gets out, it's most impossible to reverse. I wish we learned from our mistakes--that diets ultimately result in weight gain not loss, that deprivation ultimately will drive you nuts, and that no nutrient group is toxic. And most importantly, that you deserve to eat what you like--in public--and truly enjoy it with all your senses. I started shifting this blog to leading by example--showing real foods and meals, and practical recipes (as in which I'm hoping was useful. Like you, I'm challenged every time I hear the craziness from public figures and common folk. It's simply overwhelming and perhaps counterproductive to keep spreading their lies.
The end of DropItAndEat?
I doubt it. But maybe you can offer me some guidance. What would you like to see? And how can you get more engaged, dialoging in the comments?
Again, I'm sorry if my absence worried any you. It's nice to know you missed me.
Share your bread baking process and recipes. I also love to bake bread but have never figured out sourdough.
ReplyDeleteI've missed your posts! They feel like an island of reason and calm in the midst of the storm.
ReplyDeleteI meant to comment yesterday and got busy and forgot. I am not sure how I found your blog, but I have been reading for several years. Your posts are always thoughtful and well written. I always enjoy reading them even if they don't really apply to me or are not what I want to hear. There is such a dearth of well-written common sense nutrition advice out there. I would definitely miss your blog if you stopped posting entirely. I can understand being busy personally and professionally and wanting positive feedback from your writing. I know I haven't been the best about providing feedback. I can't recall the last time I commented. I will try to be better about participating in the comments.
ReplyDeleteI kept checking your blog, wondering where you were. Glad you're back.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear from you, Lori. I too have been wondering and worrying about your absence. I'm not sure I have any guidance for you except to say that voices like yours are sorely needed and, I think, starting to gain some traction. I can understand your frustration though. Take care, and keep on baking and eating that gorgeous bread! Laura
ReplyDeleteThe bread is lovely (and I was looking for the recipe).
ReplyDeleteHi Lori,
ReplyDeleteI just want to apologize for being one of those lurkers on your blog. Please don't stop posting though! You have been a really big inspiration to me. I used to be a very disordered eater. Either eating such huge quantities that I felt sick and lethargic with my weight ballooning out of control, or dieting and exercising with a max calorie count of 600 when you count the 2 hours per day of intense exercise. Needless to say this caused weight fluctuations of 60 pounds or more. After reading your blog, the fat nutritionist, and dances with fat, I can truly say that I am on a path to a relaxed relationship with food. I eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full, eat foods I love, and incorporate fruits and vegetables that I like. I no longer obsess about the mix of foods or value either. I can't say that I'm at my slimmest and fittest, but I can say that my weight has stabilized. I seem to lose maybe a pound or 2 every few months, but I'm not sure as I only get weighed when I go to the doctors office. I exercise in ways that I enjoy, eat food I like in quanitites that are comfortable, and have a good relationship with my body. Medically I am still overweight, borderline obese, but I now know that is much less important than how I treat my body and how I look after my mental health. If I hadn't found your blog I truly think I would still be on the path of periods of gluttony followed by periods of starvation with all of the negative side effects that go with it. So thank you.
I wrote a long plea and paean to you in response to this and lost both it and then a shorter follow-up a sentence or so before the finish. So yes, maybe there is an issue with Blogger. I've found this site has never seemed too happy on a tablet, but maybe that's just me. Anyway, I've kind of lost spirit now, so I'll just say, Lori, you're my voice of clear calm sanity and you help keep hope in me afloat. It's the hope that one day I will throw off my fear of food/weight and just eat like a body who loves food but who also has other, better things to do with her life than do nothing but obsess about every single calorie and macronutrient that she ingests. And maybe I am silent because I am full of shame and embarrassment at being eating disordered. Maybe I am silent because I so want to do what you say, but still I don't because of the overwhelming fear of, at bottom, I know not what. It's only food. But it isn't: it is everything. My life, my worth as a woman, my self-worth. It's hydrogen-bomb-level stuff you're talking about here - for some of us, anyway - and a blog comment box doesn't always feel that inviting a space in which to engage, much as your posts inspire and make me think. And you have inspired me and made me think, oh, yes. You have made an immeasurable difference. So thank you. Thank you. And please do not eventually decide to answer silence with silence. I have been desperately listening to you out here, and my silence is often also that of being too over-full of things to say in response to even begin.
ReplyDeleteI, for one, have missed you! I have dealt in one way or another, most of my nearly 70 years with eating disorders of one sort or another. First, anorexia as a pre-teen, then alternating starving and compulsive eating--all very isolating and depressing. When I was around 20 I discovered that I could eat and work out hard (now I know it was exercise bulimia) but it did solve the problem of how to eat and not get too fat. I eat much more normally now and exercise more moderately but I am still very conscious of when I am not eating what I consider healthy and still have an idea of what I should and should not eat in my head. Your blog gives me a more moderate way of looking at food and exercise. I am also very grateful that I did not get stuck in anorexia and have to deal with that for a long time. I got down to about 85 lbs but then the compulsive eating kicked in and----well, it was a really painful time in my life. Thanks for being there for folks-----I basically had to do all of this alone.
ReplyDeleteI think you have underestimated the impact of this blog on your readers. I find great comfort and solace from your posts. Hearing about your experiences with your patients helps me realize I am not alone. They make me feel less crazy. My eating disorder makes me feel alone and your blog tells me I am not.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the comments/feedback – I wonder how bloggers feel about comments. I know if it were me I would love to hear from people reading my blog. But, I can't assume that is the same for everyone. Perhaps you are annoyed when someone asks a question, or maybe you feel obligated to respond. Are readers expecting too much to want a reply if they comment? If you don’t respond is it because the question is dumb or some other reason? It is generous that people blog and maybe readers shouldn't take that for granted, after all, the blogger is doing this on their on time. Maybe we have no right to want more (sounds like I am talking about food, doesn’t it?). As for the misinformation part of your blog...well some of us don’t see it as misinformation – we buy into it and there you are to tell us not to. Aren’t we supposed to be “learning” from our mistakes – not have “learned”. I don’t know, for me it’s a process and because of my disorder the process ebbs and flows with how much I learn and how much I unlearn.
I hope it’s not the end of dropitandeat. I think that would be sad– for your readers and for you. I mean at some point the bread thing will get stale, right?
I, for one, want to say that your blog has provided HUGELY helpful information and support in my recovery from anorexia. I am incredibly grateful for each post that you write, and I often share them with others. You make a difference!
ReplyDeleteHere's a good reason...... There are so many of us suffering. Sometimes it's a comfort to have someone care. That's how I feel when I read your blog. I admittedly rarely respond. It doesn't mean I don't find the blog incredibly insightful. I guess I shy away because I'm a patient and am afraid people will guess who I am. I know that's silly but it's how I feel. I am incredibly grateful for your tough no-bs style. My ED hates you! I guess that's a good thing. Please don't give up on us. We need help and exposure and freedom.
Ps I check you site everyday since October ☺️
I'm so excited to see you post again! Your posts are always very helpful and informative, helping me reiterate the conversations we have in person and the irrational thoughts my eating disorder tell me. I would love a post talking about all of the 'talk' related to sugar being so evil, as a post I could share with people who are cutting sugar out with no medical reason;)
ReplyDeleteHi Lori, please don't stop writing. I am a relatively new follower, but your blog without the slightest bit of exaggeration was my only beacon of light when I was experiencing a sudden relapse. I'm in the process of recovering from an eating disorder that started 5 years ago. At the time, I was very lucky enough to have parents who recognized my unusual eating patterns right off the bat and I started receiving professional help about 6 months after my eating disorder first started. I learned a lot during that year, and I've pretty much been on my own since after that year that I participated in an eating disorder program. I'm fine most of the time now, but when I experience severe stress, I still have to fight my ed and the urge to restrict and diet. And this is where your blog steps in. You and your blog really offer so much to me when I'm in this disordered mind set. Your strong tone completely rejecting any form of disordered eating is exactly what I need to be hearing when I'm at my weakest and most vulnerable to my ed. So please don't stop advocating everything that you've been fighting for. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way. I've never met anyone who strongly advocates the "radical" no-diet, no food group is evil ideology, and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who tries to live by this belief, especially knowing that you are a professional in this field. So, thank you for everything you do. You really save lives on an everyday life, or at least my life if nothing else. So please don't stop writing!
ReplyDeleteHi Lori,
ReplyDeleteI've been a long time lurker- I've been reading your blog since 2011 when I was still in high school until now. During that time, I've dealt with disordered eating to varying degrees. Your balanced approach has always encouraged me. There are so many blogs/diets that make me feel that I need to eliminate more and more foods and food groups. Posts like this: and another one I can't find at the moment have given me hope that maybe I don't have to have such rigid standards of health (vegan and gluten free, as you mention:) ) and still be healthy (actually, probably healthier).
It's good to have someone like you out there who knows what they are talking about. I feel very swayed by extremes, but I find the two people who challenge me to find balance are you and my own dietician. Each of you also show me that balance can be healthy, enjoyable and less obsessive.
Thank you!
I like the photographs and your commitment to the position that bread is not evil.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see explorations into the research. A lot of the myths have bad research behind them, and others have very good research behind them. I'd love to see more of that.
ReplyDeleteI've been very restrictive of foods in the past. Still am. I've got PCOS, so a low-carb low-sugar diet is touted as being the cure. I've got insulin resistance and sugar makes me feel very sick very fast, so avoiding sugar isn't so much a neurosis as self-preservation. But at one time I was eating no bread, no sugar, no dairy, and no meat. There's still plenty of foods that you can eat to get nutrients when you take all of those out, but I was also considering cutting out potatoes and felt guilty every time I ate beans (even though I LOVE lentils) or fruit (which does sometimes make me sick like refined sugary treats do, but not usually. Yay fiber for stabilizing blood sugar). So... that left vegetables. Nothing but vegetables. I love a good salad, but... ugh.
My dad is into intermittent fasting and a lot of supplements. He's not one to fall for hype or bad science, and I trust his judgement. He really does feel better on it, and from my experience I feel a lot of clarity and energy when water fasting. It's something I'm concerned about, though, because I can see a clear path from just fasting to bulimia.
Anyway, I'm glad I found your blog. Please continue!