The vacuum
It's not easy to continue to write posts and get minimal feedback from readers. I know you're out there--my stats prove it--but the feedback is so minimal. And I'm no different than the rest of you; I also care what others think about what I have to say--even if you don't agree. If you've tried to respond but Blogger isn't letting you, than please let me know at info (at)
Recirculating misinformation
Writing about nutrition fallacies falls flat. When misinformation gets out, it's most impossible to reverse. I wish we learned from our mistakes--that diets ultimately result in weight gain not loss, that deprivation ultimately will drive you nuts, and that no nutrient group is toxic. And most importantly, that you deserve to eat what you like--in public--and truly enjoy it with all your senses. I started shifting this blog to leading by example--showing real foods and meals, and practical recipes (as in which I'm hoping was useful. Like you, I'm challenged every time I hear the craziness from public figures and common folk. It's simply overwhelming and perhaps counterproductive to keep spreading their lies.
The end of DropItAndEat?
I doubt it. But maybe you can offer me some guidance. What would you like to see? And how can you get more engaged, dialoging in the comments?
Again, I'm sorry if my absence worried any you. It's nice to know you missed me.